Use "has no future|have no future" in a sentence

1. Cracksman currently has no future entries.

2. He's dumb and has no future.

3. I am penniless, illiterate, have no taste and no future

4. If it did, we would have no future.

5. Such stubborn opponents have no long-term future.

6. Our future king has no interest in being a general.

7. You have no reason to be apprehensive of the future.

8. They have no future prospects of life. —Revelation 21:8.

9. No man has such ability to peer into the future.

10. You have no reason to be Apprehensive of the future

11. No man can tell the future.

12. No man can tell the future

13. No, their kingship is still future.

14. No Commercial Future for Flying Machines?

15. In forecasting the future there is no certainty.

16. But the choice that we don't have is a no climate change future.

17. She made no definite plans for her future.

18. He shows absolutely no interest in his future

19. And there's no way of looking into the future.

20. 23 He felt there was no future in farming.

21. Businessese makes no guarantees regarding results, present or future.

22. There is no reason to be pessimistic about the future.

23. It's felt there's no future for Anglophones in the province.

24. I am also no longer overly anxious about the future.

25. No one can foresee what will happen in the future.

26. The wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.

27. Currently Astana has no metro, but there is a proposed light rail system for the future

28. The father has no any hopes for the future and only indulges himself in fleshly pleasures.

29. He says no future use of atomic weapons should ever occur .

30. - No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have dmax. = 1.2 mm.

31. Such victims “feel that they have no viable future.”—Adolescent Suicide: Assessment and Intervention, by Alan L.

32. Living together before you marry is no guarantee of future happiness.

33. The young of this impoverished landlocked country see no future here.

34. There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine, and you're not from the future.

35. It's no good, she rebuked herself sternly; there's no future in feeling like this about Luke Travis.

36. I am no longer fearful of life and anxious about the future.

37. YOU are no doubt interested in your life and in your future.

38. Seeing no future in it, his interest in the job peter out.

39. Bryonies; Will you say ‘No’ to nano? The future of biological technology

40. No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 1.4 mm.

41. — No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 1,3 mm

42. No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 1,4 mm.

43. - No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 0.9 mm.

44. · No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 1.4 mm.

45. 35 No human mind, however intelligent, could so accurately predict future events.

46. No actual diameter restrictions apply but the objective for future developments is to have d max. = 1,2 mm.

47. That's probably because my ability to solve these equations has absolutely no bearing on my future as a surgeon.

48. I in and so on future. Will have your future.

49. So they laid no secure foundation for a peaceful future under Jehovah’s blessing.

50. “I no longer lie awake at night worrying about the future or death”

51. She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans.

52. The time was spent in angry altercation, Boding no good for the future

53. Bookselling is an uncertain business, with past sales no guarantee of future sales

54. Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.

55. Cypress has no plans to develop future Sparc products but it will continue to handle distribution during the transition.

56. 7 I in and so on future. Will have your future.

57. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.

58. Alick Macheso is a whole entertainer with no intentions to join politics in future

59. Shoulder heavy responsibilities, the future has a flower, have bramble again.

60. If conservative treatment is instituted, there may be no need for future interval Appendicectomy

61. We, like our growing number of thinking Ulsterfolk, envisage no future under Westminster dictatorship.

62. No final decision has been taken [], but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future.

63. Austrians saw no future as an independent country and they wanted Austria to join Germany

64. No Labour rethink that ignores this will stand a chance of success in the future.

65. If you have no mind about your future, it is likely to run wild and become uncontrollable. Dr T.P.Chia 

66. No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality - Kindle edition by Fox, Michael J.

67. There is no guarantee, however, that these age-earnings profiles will hold into the future.

68. The future was no longer somewhere in the far off distance, but here and now.

69. To discuss the company's future Begs the question of whether it has a future.

70. They have a hut that has no electricity, no running water, no wristwatch, no bicycle.

71. These numbers remind us that this trend shows no sign of abating in the near future.

72. 5 He has a bright future.

73. UNCTAD reviewed the Investment Gateway programme and decided that no future implementation activities would be undertaken.

74. Furthermore, there was no appreciable research under way that promised better medical treatment in the future.

75. UNCTAD reviewed the Investment Gateway programme and decided that no future implementation activities would be undertaken

76. 1 You have a rosiness future.

77. Since there are no directional trends in organic evolution, nothing about life's future can be forecast.

78. There's no way of sugar-coating it-the report predicts a grim future for the industry.

79. Future generations will revile her. In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor.

80. We all have a bight future.